Multiple tools are available for Amazon FBA product research, like Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and Viral Launch. We will determine data from all the said tools and provide you with the most precise data to reduce the risk and have a higher chance of success.
When it comes to research, everything is compressed down to statistics. Analyze the sales volume, prices, BSR, competition, buy box percentage, and reviews through neatly organized and quickly comprehended research files made manually by our research experts.
Give your product-specific criteria like budget, the category you would like to sell in, profit margin you would like to keep, etc., and leave the rest to us. We will analyze and track down the right product according to your criteria.
When you plan to launch your product on Amazon, you need to be sure of the market’s competition. Your new product research should comprise the reports of the competitor sales. Higher the competition, lower the chances of your product’s success on Amazon. You also need to have a futuristic approach and follow-through analysis of the open competition.
There are multiple products already present on Amazon belonging to any particular category. It would help ensure that the product you are introducing on Amazon has certain edges over the other similar products already existing in the market. If you want your product to stand out from the crowd of similar products, you need to possess an innovative approach to showcase your product’s value to the consumers’ life.
Making a decision on the basis of “just” the present data can be misleading. Analyzing historical data can help you take an intake into the seasonal customer behavior and track the inflation or deflation in sales trend and number.
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